Successfully Engaging Youth in Municipal Government: OYEC 2018 IMPACT REPORT
Increasing Touchpoints Between Youth and the Municipal Government
Since 2015 Youth Ottawa and the City of Ottawa have partnered to involve youth in municipal government by creating the Ottawa Youth Engagement Committee. OYEC consists of a group of 20 youth who bring youth voice to City Hall.
To name a few of this year’s projects, the committee has increased consultations with City departments, launched the 2019 Mayor for a Day contest, developed Councillors in Civics classes lesson plans, and is organizing a Sexual Health Education Summit for fall 2019.

Connecting Youth and Municipal Decision Makers
- Three OYEC initiatives were developed and launched in 2018 to encourage broader youth engagement with the municipal government: youth consultations, Mayor for a Day, and Councillors in Civics Classes.
- Mayor for a day was launched in February 2018 in partnership with Mayor Jim Watson’s Office to build excitement around the municipal government.
- The initiative Councillors in Civics was developed by two high school OYEC members in partnership with Council Liaison Councillor Mathieu Fleury and his staff.
Youth Outreach

- Forty youth applied for 10 open spots with the applications being spread via Youth Ottawa’s extensive community partner network and through Youth Ottawa and the City of Ottawa’s social media channel.
- During 2018 consultations, the Youth Consultations Subcommittee spoke with approximately 100 youth in Ottawa to determine their 2018-2019 priorities.
Engagement between Youth and City Staff

City staff and community partners visited OYEC meetings throughout 2018 to inform members of their work or to seek advisement from a body of young people
Visits included:
1. Crime Prevention Ottawa & the Sexual Assault Network.
2. Councillor Tobi Nussbaum regarding his ward’s youth strategy.
3. Ottawa Next: Beyond 2036.
4. Clara Freire from Community and Social Services to discuss the City’s planning cycle.
5. OC Transpo regarding LRT Phase 2.
6. Ottawa Public Health.
7. The Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre.
The full report outlines our impact on OYEC’s projects and how we have been able to increase touch points between young people and the municipal government.