Show Your Love for Ottawa with our Youth Week Film Festival

VESPY’s 2023 Video Competition (Video Engagement Showcase Program for Youth) 

Thanks to our Ottawa Youth Engagement Committee team, Youth Ottawa is preparing to celebrate our second ever National Youth Week! We had lots of fun seeing everyone celebrate youth achievement last year and are excited to amplify more creative minds this year!

This Youth Week, we are hosting a rad video competition for youth called the VESPY’s (Video Engagement Showcase Program for Youth). It will be our first ever time hosting a video competition and we hope you are as pumped as we are!

Each video must fall into this year’s theme: My Ottawa. 

Participants aged 21 and under as of May 2023 were encouraged to send us a video between 15 to 90 seconds long that features their favourite parts of Ottawa, things they would change, their vision for the city’s future, or anything else their creativity could come up with! 

Participants had the chance to receive the following prizes:

First place: 65″ TV

Second place prize: Canon camera

Third place prize: $150 cash

Congrats to our winners: Sophie Longval, Murtaza Tahmid Rhythm and Wanees Fatine (video 5, 4, and 7)! 

Check out the submissions!

What's next?

The VESPY’s video competition are part of Youth Ottawa’s 2023 youth week celebration. Check back here soon to learn more about what we’re doing to celebrate youth this month!